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Living Like a Girl: Agency, Social Vulnerability and Welfare Measures in Europe and Beyond

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Volume 3

Transnational Girlhoods

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Living Like a Girl

Agency, Social Vulnerability and Welfare Measures in Europe and Beyond

Edited by Maria A. Vogel and Linda Arnell

266 pages, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-147-9 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (August 2021)

eISBN 978-1-80073-148-6 eBook

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“This collection truly captures what it means to live like a girl in contemporary Europe, and it is sure to be a key resource for scholars working in the area for years to come.” • Fiona Vera-Gray, Durham University


In recent decades, large-scale social changes have taken place in Europe. Ranging from neoliberal social policies to globalization and the growth of EU, these changes have significantly affected the conditions in which girls shape their lives. Living Like a Girl explores the relationship between changing social conditions and girls’ agency, with a particular focus on social services such as school programs and compulsory institutional care. The contributions in this collected volume seek to expand our understanding of contemporary European girlhood by demonstrating how social problems are managed in different cultural contexts, political and social systems.

Maria A. Vogel has a PhD in Social work and is director of research at a municipal Research and Development unit in Stockholm, Sweden. Her main research areas are young people with psychosocial problems, and secure care. An overall theme in her research is the role of gender in young people’s lives and development, with a special interest in teenage girls and the construction of girlhood.

Linda Arnell, has a PhD in social work and is a researcher at the School of Law, Psychology and Social Work, Örebro University, Sweden. Her research interests include gender, youth and emotions, with an emphasis on the construction of girlhood and children’s and young people’s perspectives on violence, abuse and social relations.

Subject: Gender Studies and SexualitySociologyCultural Studies (General)Sustainable Development Goals
Area: Europe


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