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Rethinking Internal Displacement: Geo-political Games, Fragile States and the Relief Industry

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Volume 1

Humanitarianism and Security

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Rethinking Internal Displacement

Geo-political Games, Fragile States and the Relief Industry

Frederick Laker

298 pages, 20 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-164-6 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (November 2021)

eISBN 978-1-80073-165-3 eBook

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“Crucially, this manuscript places the problems of internal displacement and IDP protection in their historical, political, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual contexts.” • Zachary A. Lomo, University of British Columbia


Internal displacement has become one of the most pressing geo-political concerns of the twenty-first century. There are currently over 45 million internally displaced people worldwide due to conflict, state collapse and natural disaster in such high profile cases as Syria, Yemen and Iraq. To tackle such vast human suffering, in the last twenty years a global United Nations regime has emerged that seeks to replicate the long-established order of refugee protection by applying international law and humanitarian assistance to citizens within their own borders. This book looks at the origins, structure and impact of this new UN regime and whether it is fit for purpose.

Frederick Laker is Lecturer in International Relations at King's College London.

Subject: Refugee and Migration StudiesPolitical and Economic AnthropologyPeace and Conflict Studies


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