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The Marseille Mosaic: A Mediterranean City at the Crossroads of Cultures

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Volume 21

Space and Place

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The Marseille Mosaic

A Mediterranean City at the Crossroads of Cultures

Edited by Mark Ingram and Kathryn Kleppinger

351 pages, 58 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-820-1 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (January 2023)

eISBN 978-1-80073-821-8 eBook

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“This volume offers an interdisciplinary range of original, complementary and innovative contributions which grasp the complexities of Marseille – in terms of urban geography, culture and politics in particular – in a very complete, efficient and accessible way.” • Etienne Achille, Villanova University


Formerly the gateway to the French empire, the city of Marseille exemplifies a postcolonial Europe reshaped by immigrants, refugees, and repatriates. The Marseille Mosaic addresses the city’s past and present, exploring the relationship between Marseille and the rest of France, Europe, and the Mediterranean. Proposing new models for the study of place by integrating approaches from the humanities and social sciences, this volume offers an idiosyncratic “mosaic,” which vividly details the challenges facing other French and European cities and the ways residents are developing alternative perspectives and charting new urban futures.

Mark Ingram is Professor of French Transnational Studies at Goucher College. His publications include Rites of the Republic: Citizens' Theatre and the Politics of Culture in Southern France (University of Toronto Press, 2011), and other works that have appeared in edited volumes, such as Urban Bridges, Global Capital(s): Trans-Mediterranean Francosphères (Liverpool University Press, 2021), and in journals such as City and Society and French Politics, Culture, & Society.

Kathryn Kleppinger is Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies and International Affairs at The George Washington University. Her first book was Branding the Beur Author: Minority Writing and the Media in France, 1983-2013 (Liverpool University Press, 2015). She has also co-edited two previous scholarly volumes: French Cultural Studies for the 21st Century (with Masha Belenky and Anne O’Neil-Henry, 2017) and Post-Migratory Cultures in Postcolonial France (with Laura Reeck, 2018).

Subject: Cultural Studies (General)History: 20th Century to PresentSociologyUrban Studies
Area: FranceEurope


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