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Blurring Timescapes, Subverting Erasure: Remembering Ghosts on the Margins of History

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Blurring Timescapes, Subverting Erasure

Remembering Ghosts on the Margins of History

Edited by Sarah Surface-Evans, Amanda E. Garrison and Kisha Supernant

210 pages, 44 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-78920-710-1 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (August 2020)

ISBN  978-1-80539-305-4 $34.95/£27.95 / Pb / Published (March 2024)

eISBN 978-1-80539-419-8 eBook

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“This book is an exciting and invigorating experience for the reader. The reader is asked to engage actively with stories that stand outside typical conventions of scholarly narratives, and the quality of the writing makes that an easy task…Blurring ideas of time and space allow other critical aspects of the tangible and intangible to come into sharp focus, and gently provoke new ways of thinking and knowing.” • Jane Baxter, DePaul University

“This collection represents contemporary archaeological praxis that realigns the possibilities of archaeological theory through radical, brave, and at times vulnerable intersectional standpoints that inform a new way forward. The case studies, analysis, and life stories stay with you after you read it; it haunts you.” • Uzma Z. Rizvi, Pratt Institute


What happens when we blur time and allow ourselves to haunt or to become haunted by ghosts of the past? Drawing on archaeological, historical, and ethnographic data, Blurring Timescapes, Subverting Erasure demonstrates the value of conceiving of ghosts not just as metaphors, but as mechanisms for making the past more concrete and allowing the negative specters of enduring historical legacies, such as colonialism and capitalism, to be exorcised.

Sarah Surface-Evans is Senior Archaeologist at the Michigan State Historic Preservation Office.

A. E. Garrison is Associate Professor of Sociology at Central Michigan University.

Kisha Supernant is Métis and Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alberta.

Subject: ArchaeologyAnthropology (General)Memory StudiesHeritage Studies


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