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Peter Lilienthal: A Cinema of Exile and Resistance

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Volume 25

Film Europa

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Peter Lilienthal

A Cinema of Exile and Resistance

Claudia Sandberg

222 pages, 20 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-091-5 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (July 2021)

eISBN 978-1-80073-092-2 eBook

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“The relevance of Sandberg's monograph lies in the fact that it vividly highlights the film-historical significance of the cinematic work of the ‘gentle anarchist Peter Lilienthal’ …, which is largely difficult to access even for research purposes. In addition, Sandberg's transcontinental approach to research invites us to re-examine the work of other filmmakers with experiences of exile.” • Filmblatt

Peter Lilienthal: A cinema of Exile and Resistance is a book that positions itself into the field of transnational cinema and adopts … an instructive and beneficial point of departure for an analysis of a cinema that moves cross-continental. … Sandberg’s analysis has enormous potential and is a prompt to re-consider the work of cineastes such as Helvio Soto, Raúl Ruiz, Valeria Sarmiento, Marilú Mallet, Angelina Vásquez and the genre of exile cinema in general.” • Wolfgang Bongers, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago for Imagofagia

“A great study of Lilienthal’s oeuvre, enriched by Claudia Sandberg’s personal interactions with Lilienthal, which updates the existing scholarship on this filmmaker.” • Laurie Johnson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Peter Lilienthal is an important and compelling study of a historically marginalized director and his commitments to transnational filmmaking. Vivid in description and rich in history, Claudia Sandberg's book engages us in exciting and insightful discussions of Lilienthal’s films and reminds us of their continuing relevance.” • Olivia Landry, Lehigh University


Best known for his 1979 film David, Peter Lilienthal was an unusual figure within postwar filmmaking circles. A child refugee from Nazi Germany who grew up in Uruguay, he was uniquely situated at the crossroads of German, Jewish, and Latin American cultures: while his work emerged from West German auteur filmmaking, his films bore the unmistakable imprints of Jewish thought and the militant character of New Latin American cinema. Peter Lilienthal is the first comprehensive study of Lilienthal’s life and career, highlighting the distinctively cross-cultural and transnational dimensions of his oeuvre, and exploring his role as an early exemplar of a more vibrant, inclusive European film culture.

Claudia Sandberg is a film historian and filmmaker. She is employed at the University of Melbourne as Senior Research and Teaching Fellow. Among other works, she created the documentary Hidden Films: A Journey between Exile and Memory (2016) with Alejandro Areal Vélez. Sandberg co-edited the volumes Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Resisting Neoliberalism? (2018) and The German Cinema Book (Second edition, 2020).

Subject: Film and Television Studies
Area: GermanyLatin America and the Caribbean


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