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Things of the House: Material Culture and Migration from Post-Colonial Mozambique to Portugal

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Volume 11

European Anthropology in Translation

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Things of the House

Material Culture and Migration from Post-Colonial Mozambique to Portugal

Marta Vilar Rosales

Foreword by Caroline Brettell

196 pages, 15 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-954-3 $120.00/£92.00 / Hb / Published (April 2023)

eISBN 978-1-80073-955-0 eBook

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Discussing multiple aspects of material culture and domestic consumption, this book tackles the relationship between the trajectories and biographies of people, families, houses and objects and how they intertwine and produce each other. Focusing on the life stories of a group of European and Catholic Brahmin Goan families of the colonial elite who left Mozambique after the country's independence in 1975, the book shows how material culture interferes with structuring dimensions of migratory experiences, in the management of family memories, ties and networks of belonging, as well as in the social dynamics of positioning, hierarchy and distinction.

Marta Vilar Rosales is research fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. She has conducted ethnographic research in Angola, Mozambique, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Australia and Portugal on contemporary migrations, everyday life and material culture. She received a Fulbright Schuman Award in 2021.

Subject: Anthropology (General)Refugee and Migration StudiesMemory Studies


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