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Understanding Business Offenders: A Comparative Analysis of Workplace Deviance, Convenience and Control

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Understanding Business Offenders

A Comparative Analysis of Workplace Deviance, Convenience and Control

Petter Gottschalk and Christopher Hamerton

258 pages, 30 ills., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80539-789-2 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (December 2024)

eISBN 978-1-80539-790-8 eBook

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“This book will immediately draw the attention of experts and policy makers working in these fields … will supply every reader with considerable, novel insight into white collar crime at the level and depth not yet articulated in the past.” • James F. Albrecht, Pace University, New York City


Focusing on understanding business offenders through an exploration of workplace deviance and crime, this book closely examines a number of illustrative contemporary case studies and underpins the analysis of original comparative fieldwork, with an interdisciplinary approach, which informs, develops, and augments the existing literature on white-collar criminology. The book contends, inter alia, that the traditional centrality of the individual actor within narratives of white-collar offending has receded somewhat in recent years despite being a founding artifact within its late twentieth- century discourse, and that therefore a detailed reassessment is overdue.

Petter Gottschalk is Professor in the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo, Norway. He has published extensively on knowledge management, intelligence strategy, police investigations, white-collar crime, and fraud examinations.

Christopher Hamerton is Deputy Director of the Institute of Criminal Justice Research at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. He is an interdisciplinary and comparative scholar whose research and writing primarily focuses on criminological, socio-legal, and historical perspectives.

Subject: SociologyTheory and Methodology


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