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Communities and Place: A Thematic Approach to the Histories of LGBTQ Communities in the United States

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Communities and Place

A Thematic Approach to the Histories of LGBTQ Communities in the United States

Edited by Katherine Crawford-Lackey and Megan E. Springate

302 pages, 17 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-78920-708-8 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (June 2020)

ISBN  978-1-80539-308-5 $34.95/£27.95 / Pb / Published (March 2024)

eISBN 978-1-80539-422-8 eBook

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“This is a very strong volume. Public historians committed to working with LGBTQ communities should consider getting their hands on all three volumes. Altogether, these books represent a stunning achievement in synthesizing cutting-edge scholarship on queer communities in the United States, placed within the very helpful context of thinking about historic preservation and interpretation. Many of the authors in Communities and Place are celebrated scholars with important monographs on queer history to their names. All of this combines to make a volume that is well worth your read, even if you already have consumed the essays in LGBTQ America.” • Public Historian

“This is an exciting book that takes U.S. LGBTQ public history to the next level. Through careful historical research, the authors reveal how diverse spaces—urban gay neighborhoods, beaches, rural communes, legal jurisdictions, and more—have fostered or constrained an equally diverse population of LGBTQ Americans in the past and present.” • Scott De Orio, Northwestern University


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people have established gathering spaces to find acceptance, form social networks, and unify to resist oppression. Framing the emergence of queer enclaves in reference to place, this volume explores the physical and symbolic spaces of LGBTQ Americans. Authors provide an overview of the concept of “place” and its role in informing identity formation and community building. The book also includes interactive project prompts, providing opportunities to practically apply topics and theories discussed in the chapters.

Katherine Crawford-Lackey is a PhD candidate in public history at Middle Tennessee State University. She currently serves as a contractor with the National Park Service. Her research focuses on public commemoration and place-based history.

Megan E. Springate works in the National Park Service Cultural Resources Office of Interpretation and Education. She currently serves as the National Coordinator for the 19th Amendment Centennial Commemoration for the NPS and won the Society for Historical Anthropology's 2021 John L. Cotter Award. Her edited volume, LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History (National Park Foundation and National Park Service, 2016) was awarded the 2018 Paul E. Buchanan Award by the Vernacular Architecture Forum.

Subject: ArchaeologyHeritage Studies
Area: North America


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