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Liminal Moves: Traveling along Places, Meanings, and Times

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Volume 9

Worlds in Motion

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Liminal Moves

Traveling along Places, Meanings, and Times

Flavia Cangià

182 pages, 10 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-048-9 $120.00/£92.00 / Hb / Published (April 2021)

eISBN 978-1-80073-049-6 eBook

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“Excellent. Very timely… It makes a significant contribution to cultural psychology and to a transdisciplinary approach to the social sciences in general.” • Paul Stenner, Open University

Liminal Moves is a fascinating exploration of the entanglements between the spatial, symbolic and temporal dimension of different experiences of mobility… Drawing on anthropological theory and cultural psychology, the book advances our critical understanding of the mobility experience making it the center of a transformative process that involves those who stay as well as those who move.” • Fabiola Mancinelli, University of Barcelona


Moving, slowing down, or watching others moving allows people to cross physical, symbolic, and temporal boundaries. Exploring the imaginative power of liminality that makes this possible, Liminal Moves looks at the (im)mobilities of three groups of people - street monkey performers in Japan, adolescents writing about migrants in Italy, and men accompanying their partners in Switzerland for work. The book explores how, for these ‘travelers’, the interplay of mobility and immobility creates a ‘liminal hotspot’: a condition of suspension and ambivalence as they find themselves caught between places, meanings and times.

Flavia Cangià is Senior Researcher at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) conducting research on work and mobility as part of NCCR LIVES and NCCR on-the-move. Her current research focuses on im/mobilities, work transitions, precarity, imagination and digitalization.

Subject: Mobility StudiesAnthropology (General)Sociology


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