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European Anthropologies

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Volume 2

Anthropology of Europe

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European Anthropologies

Edited by Andrés Barrera-González, Monica Heintz and Anna Horolets

296 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-78533-607-2 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (August 2017)

ISBN  978-1-78920-764-4 $34.95/£27.95 / Pb / Published (May 2020)

eISBN 978-1-78533-608-9 eBook

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“This book provides new perspectives for the teaching of anthropology and would be a welcome addition not only to courses in the history of anthropology and the anthropology of Europe, but also to courses on post-Soviet societies. I would also highly recommend individual chapters to anyone undertaking fieldwork in one of the contexts covered in the volume who is not familiar with the history, scope, and institutional arrangements of anthropology there.” • Journal of Anthropological Research

“These case studies are among the best I have ever read in the charting of the history of European national anthropologies, and of each nation’s connections to other national and international traditions.” • Thomas M. Wilson, Binghamton University


In what ways did Europeans interact with the diversity of people they encountered on other continents in the context of colonial expansion, and with the peasant or ethnic ‘Other’ at home? How did anthropologists and ethnologists make sense of the mosaic of people and societies during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, when their disciplines were progressively being established in academia? By assessing the diversity of European intellectual histories within sociocultural anthropology, this volume aims to sketch its intellectual and institutional portrait. It will be a useful reading for the students of anthropology, ethnology, history and philosophy of science, research and science policy makers.

Andrés Barrera-González is tenured Profesor Titular in Social Anthropology at Universidad Complutense, Madrid.

Monica Heintz is Associate Professor in Social Anthropology at the University of Paris Nanterre.

Anna Horolets is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Warsaw.


Subject: Anthropology (General)Theory and MethodologyColonial History
Area: Europe


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