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Berghahn Series

New Anthropologies of Europe: Perspectives and Provocations

Series Editors:
Michael Herzfeld, Harvard University
Melissa L. Caldwell, UC Santa Cruz

The anthropology of Europe has dramatically shifted ground from its emergence in descriptive ethnography to the exploration of innovative theoretical and methodological approaches today. This well-established series, relaunched by Berghahn Books with a new subtitle, invites proposals that speak to contemporary social and cultural theory through innovative ethnography and vivid description. Topics range from migration, human rights and humanitarianism to historical, visual and material anthropology to the neoliberal and audit-culture politics of Schengen and the European Union.

Library Recommendation Form

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BENEFIT FOR THE LIBRARY: This series will be a valuable addition to the library's collection.

REFERENCE: I will refer to this series for my research/teaching work.

STUDENT REFERRAL: I will regularly refer my students to the series to assist their studies.

OWN AFFILIATION: I am an editor/contributor to a book in the Series and/or on the Editorial Board of the Series.