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Berghahn Series

Lifeworlds: Knowledges, Politics, Histories

Series Editors:
Narmala Halstead, University of Sussex
Eric Hirsch, Brunel University London
Knut Rio, University Museum of Bergen

Lifeworlds: Knowledges, Politics, Histories aims to capture anthropological explorations of contemporary social life around the globe. The Series Editors welcome manuscripts on pertinent happenings and movements of people in diverse contexts with an emphasis on fine-grained ethnography. An openness to the study of knowledges, politics and histories - to small-scale as much as large-scale contexts - is central to making sense of peoples' habitations. Thus, the series is interested in the tensions between scales of social life; lifeworlds are as much about the intimacy of social relations (including in digital worlds) as wider socio-political institutions including the law and state. The series invites studies that explore connections as much as tensions between the social and the political and how this unfolds in contemporary settings.

Formal submissions should be sent directly to Berghahn Books. For more information on Berghahn's manuscript submission procedure, please look at the Info for Authors section on this web site. All submissions to this series, as well as any queries about the formal procedure, should be sent to Berghahn.

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BENEFIT FOR THE LIBRARY: This series will be a valuable addition to the library's collection.

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OWN AFFILIATION: I am an editor/contributor to a book in the Series and/or on the Editorial Board of the Series.